Chapters and questions | Explanations |
4. Installation of ESIR | How to install ESIR. There can be more than one answer |
Q1: Directly in the business premises | |
Q2: Via the Internet (cloud service) | |
Q3: Self-installation (user installs) | |
Q4: Second solution | |
5. Supported SDC types | All types of SDC supported by ESIR. There can be more than one answer |
Q1: L-SDC | Mandatory |
Q2: V-SDC using a smart card | Optional |
Q3: V-SDC using digital certificate file | Optional |
Q4: ESIR and L-SDC integrated into one product (one manufacturer) | Optional |
6. How to connect ESIR with SDC |
All ways of connecting to SDC supported by ESIR. There can be more than one answer |
Q1: Wireless Wi-Fi connection | |
Q2: Mobile network | |
Q3: Ethernet | |
Q4: Second solution | |
7. Supported operating systems | All operating systems with which the ESIR product is compatible. There can be more than one answer |
Q1: Windows | |
Q2: Linux | |
Q3: Android | |
Q4: iOS | |
Q5: macOS | |
Q6: Built-in | |
Q7: Second solution | |
8. Required for manual testing | In case the Tax Administration needs to additionally test the ESIR device, can the applicant submit the following: (hardware and software components necessary for testing and accompanying equipment) |
Q1: ESIR device ready for testing | |
Q2: All required hardware components and cables required for installation | |
Q3: ESIR-compatible invoice print paper | |
9. Prohibited functions | All prohibited functions must be confirmed and documented in the user documentation. (Reference in the document – where the tax administration can find information in the attached documentation) |
Q1: ESIR does not issue any type of invoice if it has not received the necessary information from the SDC to which it is linked | |
Q2: ESIR does not omit / change any mandatory fiscal account data received from SDC | |
Q3: ESIR does not omit / change any information from the heading of the fiscal account related to the data of the issuer received from the SDC | |
10. Operational functions | All operational functions supported by ESIR, which are described in detail in the user documentation. (Reference in the document – where the Tax Administration can find information in the attached documentation) |
Q1: Accept command by ESIR operator | Optional |
Q2: When ESIR is started and L-PFR or V-SDC are authenticated with each other | Mandatory |
Q3: Supports the ability to delete selected items from the account before issuing a fiscal invoice | Optional |
Q4: Supports the ability to apply a discount to a selected item | Optional |
Q5: If ESIR is a hardware product, it must have visibly written information: Manufacturer, Serial number, software version and hardware version (voltage, amperage label…) | Mandatory |
Q6: In case ESIR is a software product, it must have easily accessible information: Manufacturer, Serial number, software version | Mandatory |
Q7: ESIR must register all listed payment methods according to the Technical Guide . PaymentType: Other = 0, Cash = 1, Card = 2, Check = 3, WireTransfer = 4, Voucher = 5, MobileMoney = 6. According to the Rulebook on Types of Fiscal Accounts, Types of Transactions, Methods of Payment, Reference to the Number of Other Documents and Details of Other Elements of the Fiscal Account , Article 6, paragraph 2, and regarding payment methods: Payment Card, Check and Instant Payment, the function of disabling the entry of these three methods of payment, which in this case the cashier will enter as cash. In that case PaymentType: Other = 0, Cash = 1, WireTransfer = 4, Voucher = 5. In one installation, ESIR can work exclusively in one of these two ways related to payment types. |
Mandatory |
Q8: ESIR supports the possibility of multiple payment methods of the same invoice, or split payment of the same invoice via multiple methods (cash, payment card () | Optional – ESIR sends a list, the same type or amount of payment can appear more than once on one list if necessary |
Q9: If the ESIR connects to other devices (eg bar code reader, scale…) it must do so without interfering with the operation of the SDC and its operations | Mandatory |
Q10: The ESIR must issue a fiscal invoice in electronic form or print it out | Mandatory |
Q11: ESIR must support Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) | Mandatory |
Q12: In case of refund or copying, ESIR must require entry of reference number (reference number) of sales invoice | Mandatory |
Q13: In the case of a sales invoice arising from an advance or pro forma invoice, ESIR must support the entry of the reference number (reference number) of that invoice | Mandatory |
Q14: If ESIR communicates with L-SDC, it uses the HTTP protocol in accordance with the Technical Guide published and updated by the Tax Administration on the Tax Administration portal | Mandatory |
Q15: If ESIR communicates with V-SDC, it uses the HTTPS protocol in accordance with the Technical Guide published and updated by the Tax Administration on the Tax Administration portal | Mandatory |
Q16: ESIR must provide a list of all invoices issued on the device with the ability to search a specific invoice (electronic journal) | Required for the last 30 days |
Q17: ESIR supports transaction data entry via file containing item ID, price, quantity and all other necessary data | Mandatory |
11. Inquiry and price management | Inquiry and price management refers to a set of information related to one item in the invoice, such as: GTIN, item name, price, tax and quantity (Document reference – where the Tax Administration can find information in the attached documentation) |
Q1: A new product or service can be entered / configured by the user | Mandatory |
Q2: The ESIR user must select a quantity for a product or service during invoicing | Mandatory |
Q3: The ESIR user can change the price of the product or service | Mandatory |
Q4: ESIR rounds to a minimum of two decimal places during a product or service price (PLU) query (rounds the second decimal to less if the next digit is less than 5, or more if equal to or greater than 5) | Mandatory |
Q5: Items can be selected by name or by GTIN scan | Mandatory |
Q6: ESIR has the function of importing or exporting a list of products and services | Mandatory |
12. Tax rates | Tax rate is the amount (mostly expressed as a percentage) according to which the taxpayer is taxed (Reference in the document – where the Tax Administration can find information in the attached documentation) |
Q1: ESIR must take tax rates from configuration parameters from SDC or from SUF | Mandatory |
Q2: ESIR prints a tax code showing the type of tax, together with the tax value (eg A = 20%, B = 10%, V = 0%, G = 0.25) |
Mandatory – Tax rates may differ from the examples and only those available at that time in the development environment are valid. The ESIR must apply only those rates that the SDC returns in response to a request to the ESIR. |
Q3: ESIR supports the number of current tax codes, with the possibility of expansion in the future | Mandatory |
Q4: The ESIR shows tax rates on demand | Mandatory |
Q5: When querying tax rates, ESIR rounds the tax value to a minimum of two decimal places (rounds the second decimal to less if the next digit is less than 5, or higher if it is equal to or greater than 5) | Mandatory |
Q6: ESIR never uses tax rates or amounts other than those obtained from L-SDC or V-SDC | Mandatory |
13. Printing | All supported invoice print sizes. There can be more than one answer (Reference in the document – where the Tax Administration can find information in the attached documentation) |
Q1: Paper roll up to 57mm wide | |
Q2: Paper roll width from 57mm to 80mm | |
Q3: A4 format | |
Q4: Second solution | |
14. Supported printers | All supported printer types for the ESIR product must be able to print a “QR code” (Document reference – where the Tax Administration can find information in the attached documentation) |
Q1: External printer that connects to ESIR | |
Q2: Printer built into ESIR | |
Q3: Second Solution | |
15. Submission of fiscal invoice | All types of submission of fiscal invoices supported by ESIR (Reference in the document – where the Tax Administration can find information in the attached documentation) There can be more than one answer |
P1: Paper form | |
P2: Electronic form (e-mail, SMS, correspondence applications or some other form) | |
Q3: Second solution | |
16. Textual presentation of the fiscal account | All questions are required – the application of all elements of the account is mandatory except optional. You can see examples of fiscal account elements in the Fiscal Account . The visual design of the account must be unambiguously clear and provided that it contains ALL the elements of the fiscal account, as described below. You can use the space above and below the fiscal account (above the FISCAL ACCOUNT title line and below the END OF FISCAL ACCOUNT title line) to further customize the appearance of the account. |
Q1: Does the title begin with the title line that marks the beginning of the fiscal portion of the account? | |
Q2: Does the invoice display data in the invoice header ? The data is generated by the V-SDC or L-SDC during account fiscalization and returned to the ESIR as part of the response to the fiscalization request. | |
Q3: Does the invoice show the cashier’s identification ? Local regulations may require the ESIR to send certain information instead of the cashier’s name, such as an employee identification number or other information that uniquely identifies the ESIR cashier. | |
Q4: Does the invoice show the customer ID ? This information is mandatory only in the case of transactions intended for a person who must be identified and then must be shown on the invoice. The option field of the buyer is also used only in this type of transaction, but it is optional data and is used only if there is a need for it. | |
Q5: Does the invoice display the ESIR number indicating the IB number / software version of the approved ESIR on all account types and transaction types, as well as the ESIR time for the AP case indicating the advance payment date and time. Note: ESIR time is obligatorily reported only in the case of fiscal invoice Advance Sale (AP) , if the date of advance payment is different from the date of issue of the invoice, or different from the date showing SDC time on the issued invoice. |
Q6: Does the invoice show a reference number ? This information is required only for the Copy and Refund accounts, as well as for the Sales account if it is linked to the Advance sales account. In that case Ref. the number must be displayed on the invoice and contain the SDC number of the original invoice to which it is referred, in the format JIDRequest-JIDSignature-OrdinalNumber . In all other cases (eg Traffic Sales refers to the Sales Proforma Invoice) this field is optional. |
Note: Ref. number: XXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXX-121 In the case of the number of accounts from the old fiscal cash register: Ref. number: XXXXXXXX-AB123456-159 |
Q7: Does the account show the account type and transaction type ? Invoices Sales and invoice Refund are most often issued. | |
Q8: Does the invoice show items ? The list of items contains mandatory fields such as: item name separated by a separator from the unit of measure (or without in the case of piece products or individual services), tax code, unit price of the item, quantity and invoice per item. It also contains a GTIN field (if any). | |
Q9: Does the invoice contain and display the total amount to be paid, refunded, tax items per code and total tax amount **? ** V-SDC or L-SDC account data during account fiscalization and returned to ESIR as part of the response to request for fiscalization. Also, whether the amount shows the method of payment: cash, card, check, transfer to account, voucher, instant payment or other. | |
P10. Do Copy, Proforma Invoice and Training invoices contain the message This is not a fiscal invoice This message is a required part for the specified invoice types and must be clearly visible and written in a font size at least twice the text showing other data in the fiscal document |
Q11: Does the account contain and display SDC fiscal metadata ? This data is generated during the fiscalization of the account. SDC number – a combination of JID Request-Signature JID-Ordinal Number (for example, 7AF4D923- E3B30A31-234) – is a unique identification of each fiscal account throughout the system. SDC time is the official date and time of issuance of invoices that are taken into account during tax calculation and reporting. The account counter generates V-SDC or L-SDC. | |
Q12: Does the invoice contain and display a scannable QR code ? The QR code contains the URL for checking the account, as well as the internal data and digital signature used for detailed analysis of the account. The buyer can check the invoice immediately after fiscalization. In case the invoice is submitted as an electronic document, the QR code is replaced by a URL in hyperlink format. Important note : QR code is square in shape, dimensions not less than 40 mm x 40 mm and not more than 50 mm x 50 mm. |
Q13: Does the account end with a title bar that marks the end of the fiscal portion of the account? Anything printed after it is not considered part of the fiscal bill. | |
Q14: Does the invoice contain an Advertising Field below the title bar that marks the end of the fiscal invoice | Mandatory |
17. Examples of ESIR accounts according to classification (see Request for approval of a specific type of ESIR ):
1. Specific for vending machines |
Evaluation is performed separately for each submitted sample invoice (samples). The minimum approval requirements are invoices according to the ESIR classification (see Application for approval for a specific type of ESIR ) . Examples must have a clear QR code. |
Q1: Invoice Sales with customer identification | Mandatory |
Q2: Invoice Refund with customer identification | Mandatory |
Q3: Copy Sales with customer identification | Mandatory |
Q4: Copy Refund with customer identification | Mandatory |
Q5: Sales Proforma Invoice with Customer Identification | Mandatory |
Q6: Proforma invoice Refund with customer identification | Mandatory |
Q7: Training Sales with customer identification | Mandatory |
Q8: Training Refund with customer identification | Mandatory |
Q9: Advance Sales with customer identification | Optional |
Q10: Advance refund with customer identification | Optional |
Q11: Invoice Sales | Mandatory |
Q12: Copy Sale | Mandatory |
Q13: Sales estimate | Mandatory |
Q14: Sales Training | Mandatory |
Q15: Advance Sale | Optional |